Welgevonden is a relatively young reserve, established in 1995, made up of what used to be farmlands.
It believes it has the opportunity and responsibility to make a significant contribution to protecting the country’s biodiversity. The conservation team, guided by the Welgevonden Scientific Steering Committee, are committed to research and the development of innovative, leading-edge technologies. Much pioneering has been achieved in the challenges of managing elephant populations, rhino security and the management of meta populations of predators, specifically lion and cheetah.
Having been on the reserve since January 2000, your guide has a wealth of knowledge and is able to offer an enhanced and insightful safari, unique to Izingwe Lodge.
Whatsapp:+27 (0)82 600 8627
Email: info@izingwelodge.co.za
Address: Welgevonden Game Reserve, Limpopo, South Africa
Izingwe Lodge offers two booking options:
Fully Inclusive rate includes,
all catered food and local drinks
The Bush Home rate is based on bringing your own food and drinks and our full-time chef does all your cooking